I see it all the time; folks implementing some whiz-bang trick for marketing their business. You know who you are. You’re at a networking event and talking to an SEO guru who told you something about optimizing your website. You’re having lunch with a social media expert who talked about leveraging YouTube for your business.
It all sounds so good…and so easy. And they do you a favor because they are nice and set up your this or that for you so you can get started.
And it’s all good. Except that now you have silos where you should have a field.
Not that these techniques are bad; you should have an understanding of search engine optimization for your website, and social media is a given to help get the word out about your business. Rather than taking a shotgun approach, however, you will be better served by a targeted approach to your marketing. In the end, you save time, money, and frustration by planning THEN implementing.