Marketing Benefits Of Running An Online Contest

The Marketing Benefits of Running an Online Contest

Last year Sound Earth, a pet-friendly household cleaning products manufacturer, began a focused effort to increase our community base and in turn increase our customer base. We wanted to appeal to our target market of pet and animal lovers. We also wanted to stay true to the spirit of Sound Earth: helping animals in our daily business conduct; something our followers have come to appreciate and expect.

Our freshman campaign was to sponsor the First Annual Best Animal Rescue Contest, aka BARC. The contest was designed to raise our profile as well as provide a lead capture mechanism. It more than surpassed our expectations.

What Is The Result a Year Later?

Ultimately, 85% of the new email contacts gained through the BARC remain on our list one year later. They receive a weekly e-blast highlighting a product sale as well as a reminder of our commitment to animals – the very concept that brought us together in the first place.

2% of the new group has since become buying customers – matching our industry’s average success rate for product purchasing ROI. All of this while benefiting the winning rescued animal’s organization of choice by making a cash donation in their name.

Now in its second year the Best Animal Rescue Contest, with its existing foundation in place, is poised to increase our contacts once again. Our efforts this year are focused on expanding our social networking efforts and increasing our outreach efforts to reach groups that would themselves have a following who are interested in helping animals. Utilizing their lists to reach more people.

What Have We Learned?

The contest has allowed up to connect with customers on a level that more standard marketing communications would not allow. It has allowed us to create a level of transparency that demonstrates to our target demographic that Sound Earth really does put our money – and time and energy – where our mouth is.

Once a relationship has begun, and regular communication with potential customers is established, it is essential to make good on your promise – whatever that may be: great service, great product, community spirit, etc. Our implicit contract with our customers and subscribers dictates that we are focused on providing the premium, pet-friendly household cleaning products and making an impact in the lives of animals.

BARC, now in our second year, shows that we deliver on our promises. No amount of marketing budget can buy that.

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  1. Pingback: Animal Contest | Best Animal Rescue | Westchester Marketing Cafe

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