Join.Me Saves the Day!

At Westchester Marketing Cafe there are a number of online applications that we use regularly. One of those applications is Join.Me.

We primarily use Join.Me to remotely train clients and conduct virtual meetings. It has been a great tool for many years now and recently proved to be the perfect solution to an otherwise problematic situation.

Recently, we had an employee away on vacation. Unfortunately, soon after they arrived they received an urgent message. One of our client’s could not access their eCommerce information via their website. Shortly after, that they received another message from another client about an outdated plugin with potential security implications. Without account access and 10 hours from home they were in a bit of a pickle. They did, however, have one option; call their non-tech-savvy in-laws and walk them through the Join.Me process and grab the necessary files from the computer remotely.

Their in-laws are retired and not much for using the “interwebs”, but they were able to guide them through the easy process of browsing to the Join.Me website, installing the application, setting up a meeting and allowing me to take control of the mouse. They completed the entire process within 10 minutes and they were now off to save the day for our clients!

Join.Me is a fantastic tool and can be used in many ways to aid in communication and workflow.

“Collaborate instantly with free screen sharing, unlimited audio, and ridiculously simple video conferencing. No registration required.” –

And in case you’re wondering, we’re not affiliates, just big fans!

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