The Challenge
Events To Remember, a full-service event management agency, was growing. They added public relations to its list of services and were building on their reach with the nonprofit sector, working with development officers on large, gala-type events and fundraisers.
Their site, however, was dated and because it lacked a content management system they were unable to easily update it. As a result, there was no mention of their public relations services nor any focused messaging for nonprofits.
A blog had been created on Blogger but had long since languished as a separate, stand-alone site with a single link from the primary site to help visitors find it. Once there, the look and feel of the site did not match the ETR branding.
We pulled together the main website and the blog and moved both into WordPress. This allowed staff to easily add new content and make changes from a single dashboard.
A content strategy ensured that as ETR continues to grow, new information will have a home on the website while maintaining the site’s organizational integrity.
Key Successes
Integrated, organized content
Elegant in its simplicity, we created straightforward navigation allowing visitors to quickly and easily see how ETR could help them with their event. Yet the site structure is flexible enough to grow when ETR expands their service offerings.
Integrating the blog allows ETR to promote events and success stories without overwhelming the site structure.
Content management system
WordPress, our CMS of choice, allows staff to add new pages and update the navigation easily without any specialized technical expertise.
What You Can Learn
Undertaking a new website can be overwhelming; there are a lot of moving parts. But procrastination is not the answer!
Have a plan for what you want to achieve
If you know where you’re going it’s much easier to get there. ETR’s project was successful because we started by identifying key messaging first.
Use the KISS principle; Keep It Simple
With a content strategy in place, we were able to focus on their key services and targeted customers. Navigation was built to address the needs of clients first without hamstringing staff when they added new content.
What the Client Had To Say

I came to Westchester Marketing Café with a website that I loved, but that needed some content updates. Jann didn’t try to upsell me. She gave me honest feedback about my website, what she felt worked and what could be updated to better represent my brand; and boy was she right! I followed Jann’s lead and shortly after the updates were implemented I picked up a new client that mentioned they called me because they were impressed with the content and testimonials from my website.
Jann’s attention to detail, web knowledge and fresh ideas were amazing, I can’t thank her enough!
Is your website not keeping pace with your growing business? Schedule a free consultation using our online calendar to see how we can help.